20 January 2014

Don't should on eachother

The above title is a quote from our very own Sam Giere. It was said in response to a few of us joking around about something. I don't even remember what it was now, but Sam's words have been tumbling around in my mind. In our time here we have seen many differences as well as similarities.
In visiting individual churches of the national church, we have seen a variety of different expressions and worship styles of places all connected with the same mission. Many of the services have followed a liturgy and style similar to that which I would exprience at home, in spite of the language difference. We also attended a service in a gospel style. It was moving and quite the experience. Afterwards we talked with the pastors and they expressed their hope to be able to reach people who were looking for a different style of worship. Gunnar expressed how this style of worship was not something he would want to lead or really liked. At the same time he could recognize the value in this for others. Just because he preferred something else, he didn't tell these people that they "should" do it this way or that way. He recognized the place of variety within the same umbrella of the national church.
Meeting many Icelanders we have learned that many of them speak 3 or more languages. As people from the United States that can leave us feeling greatly lacking and feeling as though we should do the same. As we discussed this, Gunnar pointed out that we don't need to put such pressure on ourselves
because we live in a different context. He suggested that he would think it would be important for us to be able to have an understanding of Spanish bbecaause of our context. As people from different countries, we can learn from eachother and even adopt things learned from others. It becomes a problem though when one country tells another that "they should do this". Our contexts are different and that makes it unhelpful for one country to insist another does something exactly the way they do.
This applies to us as individuals as well. Life is hard enough without us telling one another that we should do this or should do that. The guilt and feeling of lessness is not necessary.
Gracious God, thank you for the wisdom that is found in even the smallest conversations. Help us to remember that diversity is a gift that you have given us through creation and not something that is a problem. Amen

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