04 January 2010

Oh, are you the Americans??

"Yes, yes we are..." is our usual response. I have never been one to explore new and great places, and have usually been the one who pokes fun at those "tourists" walking around with their lost looks and cameras. Well now the tables have turned and I am the one asking sometimes obvious questions, looking lost, and taking pictures of everything I see. But the thing I've been realizing is that we are welcome here.

Our hosts have been unbelievably welcoming and friendly, answering all the silly questions we ask, asking their own questions, and only speaking to each other in their own language when they don't want us to understand on rare occasions. The participants of the conference here in Skalholt have also been very welcoming to "the Americans", and have even said a few things in English so we can participate! But the pastors here have shown interest in where we are from and why we're here. We've worshipped together, and though we couldn't speak much of the liturgy we could catch on with the repeated verses, or at least hum along. We can say the Lord's Prayer in English in the same meter that it is said in Icelandic. We may not understand all that is going on, but we are worshipping together.

Yes, we are the Americans, and they are the Icelanders. But there is one thing that can cross cultural divides, and that is being children of God. Jesus crossed cultural divides every day, and we are called to do the same. What would it be like for us to welcome the stranger? I think it would look a lot like finding beds and food for some visiting Americans, or sharing a worship opportunity with someone who doesn't speak the language, or answering some silly questions for someone who is genuinely interested, or sharing a table of bread and wine, or...

Compassionate God, you sent your son to welcome the stranger and we are called to do the same. Thank you for welcoming hosts, compassionate friends, and loving strangers. Help us to take those opportunities to welcome the strangers in our lives. Amen.

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