11 January 2010

Sipping from a fire hydrant

Woah, we're over halfway there! I can't believe the trip has gone so quickly, but I guess it's not that surprising. My classmates have done a great job recapping our adventures so I will try not to repeat what they said. We just had a great dinner tonight with the deans of Reykjavík, Gísli Jónasson and Jón Dalbú Hróbjartsson. It was a great meal, as usual, and the conversation was also great, as usual!

I posed a question to the deans that make them take a brief pause before giving their thoughts; I asked "what the most important thing they'd like us to take home from our trip to their country." I've been trying to compile everything we've observed, discussed, and learned to be able to bring it home in a compact, understandable package in my head. I'll happily steal the expression that we've been "trying to take a drink out of a fire hydrant." We've been immersed into this culture trying to grasp at nuggets to take home with us. And I have certainly learned a great deal, now it's just a matter of knowing how to share this great experience with everyone back home. Maybe I'll even post it on here!

Oh God, source of all knowledge and truth, we thank you for an opportunity to build relationships with our brothers and sisters across the seas and learn new ways to live your church on earth. Help us to take away those things we can use to share the Gospel around the world. In your awesome name we pray, Amen.

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