05 January 2012

Gathering at the Rail - Skálholt

Shortly after arriving in Skálholt we joined together with several Icelandic church leaders and pastors for worship. We gathered inside a church which has a history dating back over 1000 years. The sanctuary is breathtaking and the acoustics are so good that every voice multiplies in rich magnificent layers of sound, even an average voice like my own. The entire service was spoken in Icelandic. However the liturgy itself seem to transcend the barriers of culture and language and made all us feel at home and comfortable.

My favorite part of worship has always been Holy Communion, especially when kneeling at the rail which we were able to do during this service. My family’s church in Colorado also uses a kneeling rail around the altar during communion. The rail creates a powerful image for me. Not only is the congregation fully participating together in communion, but the chance to witness both young and old come forward and kneel to pray/worship/praise God touches my heart every time. I also treasure watching each person leave the rail after communion. There always seems to be a heightened sense of community and love between every person present. And the more I think about it the more I believe that this sense of community - regardless of which country or continent we are gathered to worship – becomes a real and tangible presence of Christ among us.

Thank you God for the opportunity to worship you in such an awe inspiring beautiful place. Thank you for the opportunity to gather around the rail with our brothers and sisters of Iceland. I pray that you continue to bless the leaders and pastors of your church, that we may continue to do the work you have called us to do. Thank you for my Wartburg brothers and sisters who I am privileged to share this experience with. May all of us together reflect your light throughout creation wherever we are called to serve. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen  


  1. Thanks for your comments Jen & Rob. I look forward to talking with you about the trip when I return. Peace to you and yours.
